
Mon, Mar 25, 2019, 1:38 PM

@Lauren Wilkins has joined the channel

Mon, Mar 25, 2019, 1:38 PM

@Lauren Wilkins set the channel purpose: world-building, dreams, based on true events… throw your story ideas here!


Lauren Wilkins

Mon, Mar 25, 2019, 1:42 PM

A person can use computer commands in real life, but only if it involves food/edible materials. Susan was making a cake and dumped in a cup of salt instead of sugar. “Command Z” she says, and the salt appears back in the measuring cup. Jim was making lentils and didn’t want to sort through to find rocks. “Command F”, he says, “Rocks”. The rocks are highlighted in the bowl of lentils. He picks them out. “Command delete”. The rocks are deleted.


Lauren Wilkins

Mon, Mar 25, 2019, 1:57 PM

Cats gain intelligence and begin to harness the power of toxoplasma.gondii parasites that live and reproduce within their intestines. It becomes their primary industry and the advancements they make in harvesting, increasing production, and administering the parasite begins to make them a formidable world player. The parasite is known to take over an animal’s brain, forcing it to no longer fear a cat, rather be attracted to it (the parasite can only reproduce within a cat’s intestine, so their end goal is to drive their host to be eaten by the cat to reenter their system). They first use it to lure and domesticate rat herds (and other small rodents) for constant food sources. Then larger animals to act as mounts and other servile positions (birds make excellent lookouts). The cats begin forming their own districts within countries and states. Japan becomes the first official cat district. The cats overtake a large part of Tokyo, calling it it State of Neko, and begin communicating and negotiating with governments. The whole of Egypt is taken over, becoming the largest catland, the State of Bast. As cat communities grow, the parasite is bred to be stronger and stronger, and various strains taken and split to be more effective on (or have certain effects on) specific species. Humans find themselves once again worshipping cats. Cats rule the world.


Lauren Wilkins

Mon, Mar 25, 2019, 2:13 PM

The story of Icarus except instead of wax he used super glue and so he actually flew and it was super rad and then everyone was flying. Cars were never invented.


Lauren Wilkins

Mon, Mar 25, 2019, 2:23 PM

The year is 2064. All the members of the Beatles are dead. A mad scientist resurrects them. John puts on some round glasses and meditates on Yoko’s grave. George says he knew he’d be reincarnated as either himself or a bluebird. Paul insists he had never died in the first place and that, yes, he really is the same Paul. Something goes wrong with Ringo and he’s not all there, but he still drums mediocrely.


Lauren Wilkins

Fri, Apr 5, 2019, 10:15 AM

This channel also got boring. As it turns out, I had 4 plots to plot. And then no more. BYAEI

Fri, Apr 5, 2019, 10:15 AM

@Lauren Wilkins archived the channel